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Scarlett's Story

This is Scarlett.

She is a Fitness Coordinator at UTC. She is young, and vibrant, always willing to share a smile and a kind word. Scarlett also has epilepsy. Take a moment to read Scarlett's story, in her own words, so that you can better understand the journey of an individual with epilepsy. Her story is a good reflection of the ways in which epilepsy can affect a person's daily life, and quite often lead to anxiety, depression, isolation, and fear. Thank you, Scarlett, for your vulnerably and transparency.

"Epilepsy can sometimes feel like a battle. From the moment I was diagnosed in 2007, until now, it has been an absolute whirlwind. You think you have it all figured out, but as you get older and your body changes, so does how you experience epilepsy.

"2019 has probably been my toughest year with epilepsy yet. It’s been the first time I have had 3 seizures in a 3 month span (all while alone, scary), depression and anxiety has been at an all time high, and I’ve had to make a lot of choices to personally better myself. I don’t know what triggers any of my seizures and I don’t feel them coming on. I know that stress and lack of sleep can be the biggest triggers for seizures generally, so I do my best to be mindful of both. I have found myself not wanting to be in social settings much and, when I do get out, I end up being so overwhelmed that I’m ready to leave right away. If you’ve ever known me before, I’m always the last person to want to leave ANYWHERE. There’s been a lot of reflection and a lot of figuring out how to move forward and not feel sorry for myself. One of my biggest things has been being unhappy with the person I see in the mirror. Not because that person is carrying extra weight, but because I see a person carrying so much depression, anxiety and other emotions that don’t evoke positivity and good vibes. I share this to spread awareness and I hope that I can help another person with epilepsy, or anyone who feels like they are in a spot that can’t get out of. Take it one step at a time."

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