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Jeannelle Bourg's Story


Hi, I'm Jeannelle Bourg. I was diagnosed with Epilepsy in 1997 after a MVA. Since then I have had tonic-clonic , absence and Atonic seizures. I have been very lucky to have an uneventful pregnancy and I am currently happily married to someone that, not necessarily by choice, has become an Epilepsy caregiver, supporter and advocate. When I was seizure free I had a long satisfying career is the field of psychology and also did freelancing fashion styling for The Red Carpet. In most recent years my Epilepsy along with my SLE Lupus has had me to pull back from the mainstream workforce and launch businesses that I can work on my terms(my boss is very understanding). I am originally from New Orleans but hurricane Ida brought us to Tennessee. Once moving to Tennessee and finding SETN Epilepsy Foundation I was all in. I focus my passion and enthusiasm to give awareness to everyone who will listen. The foundation, the resources, the mental mind break but most of all the CONNECTIONS I have made here has and is still holding my hand through a battle we all know can strike at any time. It's great to know you have others there by your side.

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