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Kelsey's Story


This is Kelsey.

Kelsey is a recent high school graduate who loves the Georgia Bulldawgs! She enjoys fishing with her dad and is on her school’s bass fishing team. Her goal is to be a nurse in a nursing home one day. Even though she has epilepsy, she doesn’t let it stop her from doing the things she loves to do! As a baby she had several febrile seizures, but her journey with epilepsy actually began when she was in kindergarten. Her seizures were well controlled with medication for the first couple of years, but now she has 3-5 tonic-clonic seizures per month, along with other seizure activity. There have been numerous black eyes and stitches along the way, all due to her seizures.

With all that Kelsey wrestles with on a daily basis, her outlook on life is to “Never give up!” and she is on a mission to help others. She is currently undergoing a surgical evaluation to determine if surgery is a good option for her. Kelsey is not afraid to tell people about her seizures, and she hopes that this openness to talk about them will compel others to do the same. Hopefully, opening up the conversation about seizures and epilepsy will one day help to end the stigma that so many people face.

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